So you're thinking about coming to Civo Navigate but don't know if it is the right choice for you? This blog will take you through the core benefits of attending Civo Navigate and how you can convince your employer to invest in you!

Civo Navigate is a great opportunity for developers, engineers, and C-level execs alike to stay up-to-date on the latest technologies and trends in their field. Not only will Navigate provide valuable education and training, but it also serves as a platform for innovation and inspiration.

Why you should attend Civo Navigate

Education and training

Offering a wealth of knowledge and expertise from world-class speakers, Civo Navigate allows employees to learn from the best in the industry through 50+ talks and 10+ workshops on topics such as Kubernetes, Machine Learning, Edge Computing, and Cyber Security.

While formal training days can be expensive, Civo Navigate is a cost-effective alternative. Employees can receive top-quality education and expert training at a fraction of the cost for only £300 per ticket (for two days).

Networking opportunities

With 1,000 attendees expected to be at Civo Navigate, this is the perfect opportunity to network with professionals from various companies and industries. This can help employees make valuable connections and establish collaborations that benefit their company.

Innovation and inspiration

Featuring keynote speakers who are leaders in their fields, Civo Navigate is designed to inspire employees to think creatively and drive innovation within their company. So come and join the likes of Kelsey Hightower, former Distinguished Engineer at Google and a Kubernetes pioneer, Marty Weiner, founding engineer at Pinterest and first CTO at Reddit, and Nick Caldwell, former General Manager at Twitter, at Civo Navigate.

Latest industry developments

Civo Navigate is an opportunity for employees to stay up to date with recent advances in the industry and more to come in the future. Doing so allows them to be ahead of the curve for when it arrives and helps make informed decisions for the company.

In addition, Civo Navigate also provides the teachings and knowledge for employees to ensure they are aware of all the current industry best practices which help companies incorporate effective processes to improve efficiency and streamline work.

Employee benefits

Investing in employees' professional development shows the value employers have for their employees and their commitment to their growth. Doing this can help boost morale and improve overall job satisfaction.

Attending Civo Navigate presents a chance to capitalize on team bonding experiences, allowing employees to connect with their colleagues and build stronger relationships. This is becoming even more important post-covid as remote working becomes more prevalent in the cloud industry, so these opportunities to engage with each other in person are highly valuable.

Lastly, Civo Navigate includes plenty of social events and activities, allowing employees to have fun, socialize, and relax outside of work.

See you at Civo Navigate!

Attending Civo Navigate will provide numerous employee benefits, including education, innovation, and inspiration. At only £300 per ticket, it is a cost-effective way for companies to invest in their employee's professional development and boost morale.

If you're still looking for more information on what you can expect, why not check out:

Click here to head to the Civo Navigate website and pick up your ticket(s)!