We've reached a point where Artificial Intelligence (AI) is more approachable than ever, thanks to the emergence of Generative AI. This breakthrough means that getting started with AI no longer requires a steep learning curve to get up and running. However, this has meant that people are running into more issues when using Machine Learning (ML) solutions. From this, we conducted a survey whereby we spoke to 503 developers who have experience working with ML systems.

Techstrong.ai covered the results from this survey in their recent article with insights from Chief Innovation Officer at Civo, Josh Mesout. In this piece, they outline how artificial intelligence (AI) projects are being abandoned before completion:

”Conducted by Civo, a provider of cloud computing services, the survey finds more than half (53%) of respondents have abandoned between 1-25% of projects, with an additional 24% having left between 26-50% of projects. Only 11% of developers said they have never abandoned a project, the survey finds.”

This survey demonstrates that developers are finding ML too time consuming. This has made it increasingly difficult for smaller organizations to pursue.

”The survey also notes that nearly half (48%) of the developers surveyed believe ML projects are excessively time-consuming. For example, the survey found that 34% of those surveyed personally spend 0-10 hours configuring or setting up ML projects each month, with a further 24% spending 11-20 hours.

Built by developers, for developers, Civo is challenging the status quo by creating cutting-edge AI that is accessible to everyone, regardless of their budget and the size of their company. With this approach in mind, we released Civo ML.

Civo ML is a fully managed machine learning development environment built on open-source technology powered by Kubeflow. It's designed to help you leverage the scale of Civo compute for your machine learning and AI projects while reducing the necessary skills and costs associated with running high-performance workloads in the cloud.

We offer support for CPU and high-performance GPU compute, enabling customers to scale their machine learning and AI projects on Civo's infrastructure and providing seamless interoperability with popular tools and frameworks.

Learn more about our ML range here.

Click here to learn more about the future of AI projects in Techstrong.ai’s article.