Guides for ci-cd

Setting up a CI/CD pipeline for dockerized applications using Harbor and Jenkins on Kubernetes
In this tutorial, we are going to implement a system for CI/CD pipelines using Jenkins and Harbor running on a Kubernetes cluster.

Hardening Kubernetes Infrastructure as Code Pipelines with Digger
Learn how to harden your infrastructure as code pipeline using Digger's orchestrator backend. Secure GitHub integration, webhooks, and production-ready CI/CD processes.

Automating Infrastructure as Code: Deploying Kubernetes with Digger and GitHub Actions
Digger automates Terraform in CI pipelines, leveraging your existing infrastructure. Learn how to deploy a Civo Kubernetes cluster using Digger and GitHub Actions.

Getting Started with Jenkins on Kubernetes
Explore how how to install Jenkins using Civo and how to troubleshoot the installation. Plus, learn how you can use this to implement your own CI/CD system with Jenkins.

How to set up an Infrastructure as Code automation using Pulumi, Civo Object Store, and GitHub Actions
Learn how to implement IaC using Pulumi and Python on GitHub Actions. Set up, configure backends, and automate CI/CD with this tutorial.

A Beginner Guide to Kubernetes Admission Controllers
Discover the basics of Kubernetes Admission Controllers in this beginner's guide by Jubril Oyetunji, covering types, uses, and creating your own.

Using Argo CD in Kubernetes to deploy applications with GitOps
Argo CD is a tool for deploying applications in Kubernetes with GitOps principles. This guide shows how to deploy two simple containerised applications using the Git repository as an authoritative source

Extending the Kubernetes API: A Comprehensive Guide to Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs)
Learn how to extend the Kubernetes API with Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs). This comprehensive tutorial covers CRD controllers, security, versioning, and best practices.

Self-Hosting a Container Registry on Kubernetes with Harbor
Deploy your own secure container registry using Harbor on Kubernetes. This tutorial covers setup, security features, and Civo-specific tips.

DevSecOps in Practice: Integrating Security in the Development Lifecycle
Discover DevSecOps monitoring with Civo's tools for superior application security, ensuring robust protection throughout the development lifecycle in today's complex cybersecurity environment.

Create a Kubernetes cluster using GitLab
In this article, I will show you how to create a Kubernetes cluster using GitLab. This is done using the GitLab Agent for Kubernetes, which allows you to create, update and manage your Kubernetes clusters as part of your GitLab setup.

Deploying FuseML for Efficient MLOps Orchestration
Learn how to deploy FuseML, an MLOps orchestrator, on a Kubernetes cluster in this complete guide. Improve your daily job with real-world use cases and reduce technical debt with FuseML.

Tips to ace the Certified Jenkins Engineer 2021 exam
I recently passed the Certified Jenkins Engineer 2021 exam, scoring ~76%. This post talks about my overall exam experience and some tips. Ephemeral and Anonymous Docker Image Registry
Find out how to use, a free to use, open source, anonymous and ephemeral Docker image registry

Connecting Gitlab and Kubernetes for continuous deployment
Gitlab has Kubernetes integration. This post is about getting started with that. How to connect up Gitlab and Kubernetes

Ensuring YAML best practices using KubeLinter
When we declare various Kubernetes objects in YAML, can we have YAML checked prior to the deployment of applications or even Helm charts? The answer is yes - with a tool like KubeLinter

Deploy a blog site on Kubernetes with GitOps
Learn how to deploy a blog site on Kubernetes with GitOps using Civo. Create a continuous deployment pipeline and automate infrastructure for seamless updates.

How to install the Civo PowerShell module
It is easy to get started managing Civo with PowerShell. This guide shows you how to get up and running in a couple of seconds!

Manage Kubernetes clusters using the Civo Pulumi provider
Pulumi and Civo provide a powerful combination for managing Kubernetes infrastructure as code. Automate cluster creation, application deployment, and leverage advanced features like Helm support.

GitHub Actions and Terraform for Cloud Infrastructure Management
Boost your cloud infrastructure management skills with our comprehensive guide on using GitHub Actions and Terraform. Elevate your DevOps game today!