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Write a learn guide

Solved a problem and want to document it? Or feel we're missing something from our ever-growing collection of learning resources? Share the knowledge and write a guide - you'll get featured on Civo and you may just see some swag come your way. Find how to get started here.

Exclusive Slack workspace

You’ll gain access to our bustling Slack community where you can get support, share ideas and make the most out of Kubernetes.

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Add an app

Add an app

Our Kubernetes application marketplace means you can launch apps on your cluster with just a click of a button. Can't find what you're looking for? Submit a pull request over at our GitHub repository and we can add it for other users to install.

Got a suggestion?

You talk, we listen. That's how it works at Civo. So that's why we've built a dedicated suggestions area in your dashboard so you can add, vote, and comment on the features you want us to develop next.

Login to visit the suggestions dashboard
Got a suggestion?

Contact us

If you have any questions, or ideas as to how you can contribute or work with us, just drop us a message by clicking the blue chat icon at the bottom right of every page.

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