We’re back for another year of KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe, this time in Paris. Team Civo will be at the event, and we’d love to meet you there to speak about all things cloud native. Plus, we'll be getting into some great discussions surrounding the recent Broadcom / VMware takeover, so make sure to catch someone from our team to learn more about making the switch to Civo.

Book a meeting with Civo

Amongst our team that will be joining us at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe is Mark Boost (CEO), Dinesh Majrekar (CTO), Josh Mesout (Chief Innovation Officer), Saiyam Pathak (Field CTO), Sophia McKee (Chief Operating Officer), and Kunal Kushwaha (Developer Relations Manager). During event hours, you’ll be able to find our team in and around the conference, however, you can also book a meeting with a member of the team to discuss how Civo can help you!

Book time with our team here 👉 https://calendly.com/sophia_civo/15min

If you can’t attend the conference but still want to keep up with the latest from the event, follow us on social media where we will be posting live from the event:

Sessions from Civo at KubeCon

If you're attending KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2024, be sure to catch these great sessions that some of the Civo team will be involved with 👇

Thursday, March 21, 11:00 - 11:35 CET

Heating Pools with Cloud Power: A New Wave in Green Computing

How do you use the heat generated by servers in the cloud for social good? In 2023, Civo & Deep Green pioneered a project in Devon, transforming server heat into community benefits. Imagine miniaturizing the data center, locating it in a secured plant room of a swimming pool & then running a cloud stack services solution on it? Then transform the way that mini data center is cooled, recapturing & redeploying 96% of the energy it uses, offering end-users green cloud computing, & at the same time providing cost-saving free heat to hosts. We'll explore the technical synergy between Deep Green's cooling technology & Civo's cloud stack. The integration not only reduced energy waste significantly but also posed unique operational challenges. Attendees will learn about server modifications for optimal cooling, the management & insights into deploying an eco-friendly cloud solution. This case study is a beacon of socially responsible technology, offering lessons in sustainability & climate response.

Saiyam Pathak, Civo & Mark Bjornsgaard, Deep Green Technologies

Thursday, March 21, 17:25 - 18:00 CET

Building a Tool to Debug Minimal Container Images in Kubernetes, Docker and ContainerD

Minimal container images are getting more popular, but they can't go mainstream unless developers and DevOps engineers can debug them. You need to be able to debug them locally and in production across different container runtimes, but there was no tool to meet those needs until now. This is a story of adding multi-runtime container debugging capability in MinToolkit and CDebug. You will learn how this sidecar-based debugging capability is designed and implemented in addition to learning how to use it, so you'll be able to build your own tools to do the same. You'll also learn about the technologies in different container runtimes leveraged to build this multi-platform debugging capability and how it fits in the existing tooling ecosystem as well as the gaps it addresses in existing tools like "kubectl debug". The talk will have a demo showing how to debug containerized apps on different runtimes using a set of predefined debug images contrasting the user experience compared to "kubectl debug".

Ivan Velichko, Slim.AI & Saiyam Pathak, Civo

Friday, March 22, 14:00 - 14:35 CET

How I Met Your Software – an Image’s Sitcom of Consuming and Securing Software in Cloud Native!

Hi, I am an OCI Image and before I am fed as a Kubernetes workload, here’s my story - how I met your software - whether it was curl-bash-piped or ‘apk’ed, ‘apt’ed, ‘yum’med or ‘brew’ed? The plot airs this KubeCon delving from the tradeoffs of consuming software via distro vs. via projects to how I was fine-grained further as Kubernetes workloads.Exploring the rise of open-source software and projects like NPM, Maven, PyPI, the discussion centers on the dilemma of obtaining the latest software: opting for external installations for quick updates versus relying on more reliable distributions with robust supply chain checks for enhanced security. The presenters will dissect the techniques of choosing the consumer software by comparing various distributions like Alpine, Wolfi and how a few of them are solving for maintaining the pace with upstream projects. So join me, the Image, in this journey on how I am smoothly and securely rocketed into the cloud and become its native!

Mritunjay Sharma, Chainguard; Anushka Mittal, Nirmata; Subhasmita Swain, Civo