Join Mark Boost, Dinesh Majrekar, and Saiyam Pathak to discuss the current state of the cloud industry and why costs are so high, how to take steps to reduce your spend, and looking at how Civo can help.

Register here.

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Kubernetes state of play 2022

Is Kubernetes ready for this new era? Read what 1,000 developers had to say about how they are using Kubernetes across their operations, the challenges they are seeing, and the evolving use cases for the technology in the years to come.

Read our summary here.

Catch up on our brand new Civo TV library

Catch up on everything from KubeCon NA 2022 with our exclusive interviews on Civo TV featuring Mark Boost (CEO at Civo), Priyanka Sharma (Executive Director at CNCF), and Michael Cade (Community Technologist at Kasten).

Access Civo TV here.

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New from Civo this month

Instantly lock down Kubernetes clusters on Civo

Discover how easy it is to completely lock down your cluster so that it is no longer publicly exposed and grant access to the users that need it.

By Emrul Islam, Head of Platform Innovation at Twingate

Edge computing explained

Over time, the traditional systems put in place to hold our data have become unsuitable for modern-day needs due to the continuous growth of data. Our latest blog explores how edge computing has emerged to reshape the current computing environment

By Sayanta Banerjee, Technical Writer and Researcher at Civo

NT Connect case study

Hear how Civo helped NT Connect to get production ready and meet their core objectives of reliability, cost-effectiveness, reduced hands-on time, and practical next steps.

Featuring Garry Paxinos, Co-Founder of NT Connect

See you at Civo Navigate!

Join us on February 7th and 8th 2023 in Tampa, Florida, to learn more about better leveraging technologies and driving innovation. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to hear directly from some leading names in the cloud native community and the wider tech industry by securing your ticket today for Civo Navigate.

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